I believe in horses.
It may sound as if I am getting ready to say "unicorns", but I'm not.
I believe in horses not only because by many standards they are the greatest animal, but because they believe in me.
My mission statement is to teach horses to believe in their handlers, and teach their handlers to believe in their horses.
1. Training can be easy, or training can be hard. It's all about how you play your cards. My Degree's training is designed to start by giving horses the easiest option, and increasing the pressure as they do not respond.
2. I strive to teach them as naturally as when they learned to take their first step, when they learned how to flee and everything else that comes naturally to them.
3. I don't just want to get my horse listening to me, I want to learn to listen to my horse.
This is Degrees. These are my methods. And this is how I train.